Author: happydemic
Music an aid to Corporate Visionaries
Employee engagement, boosting motivation, improving sales, enhancing brand recall, music can help you achieve all of it. Reach out to us to know more.
Role of Music in Distribution and Sales
Top-of-mind doesn’t always mean sale… Top-of-heart does!Get in touch with us to know how Music can help you win a share of their heart.
The Game Changer in Corporate Engagement
Emotional engagement is the one that builds long term relationships. And Music is the strongest tool to establish an emotional bond. Here’s how these two can be married to achieve genuine growth.
Music – The feel that heals!
Pari, a creative professional sits by the window, as her senses bathe in the soulful musical fusion of the rain showers and her favourite Bollywood number Rhim jhim gire sawan. Who can imagine that just 20 minutes before these joyful and tranquil moments, Pari was juggling between innumerable work video calls. Her mind boggled, chaotic and lost in the WFH culture. Needless to say, that music has this innate power to transport the human mind from chaos to peace, just like it did for Pari
Back to office – Blog
It was a relaxed Sunday evening. I sat at my favourite place in the house, my lounge chair. While sipping my hot coffee concoction, I navigated the pages of the popular book Ikigai. The book revolves around realizing one’s hopes and expectations. In simpler words, it’s all about finding a reason to jump out of bed every morning.